Friday, February 22, 2013

and then there's glee

so much glee... inside of me... there's so much glee... so much glee inside of me... over and over as good as can be... so much glee inside of me... and this is where i feel the most like me... this is how i know all i can be... this is my most comfortable most right, secure, and free... this is how i know that i am me... feel the glee... feel the glee inside of me...

narfalee :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

so lonely

at the moment, i feel so lonely
like i am the only one who's ever lived
like no one knows and no one cares
and no one else was ever here
this moment is so lonely
so lonely
so lonely

at the moment, i feel so alone
no like, nothing to compare
if i cold change this moment
i would definitely own it
but i can't even phone it
in tonight
this moment is so lonely
so lonely
so lonely
and it feels so not right
this moment is so lonely
i hope it does not last
all night