Sunday, April 25, 2010

obviously bipolar

unless you're dead, or mostly dead, in which case you are probably depressed... change is good, fear is bad, learn to enjoy it all...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

neglected, unappreciation, ignored, or unnoticed

one of those words express the feeling of the momentary mood that flows at this moment and my mind wanders through the bullsugar finding questions like is this collection of videos genius or nonsense or meaningless disconjointed random pop news or some profound message from within me or without me or what about this collection of videos raising similar, though different questions... and then there's all the other stuff (volumous humungous, even)...

do i deserve more attention?...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

fondly frustrated

frustrated by a body that is not just imperfect, but not cared for as optimally as possible so therein hurts more than it should but more, is unable to do all it can due to spinal alignment out of synch and a life too busy to rest properly due to massive workloads and a loneliness due to lack of intimacy and all in all, i fondly recall the wonder of caring...

or something like that...